Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 2 of 21

I did it!

I made it through Day 1 of my 21-day detox with no problems! I sipped on a concoction of organic green tea, water, the juice of five HUGE organic lemons, and four tablespoons of Grade B organic maple syrup. A full gallon of it. That four quarts. Or sixteen cups. One hundred twenty eight ounces. I also sipped on a cup of hot green tea last night.

Hunger slipped in a couple of times, but I just gulped the juice an it passed. That tells me that when I feel hunger, most likely it's really thirst, and I need to drink water before eating food.

Of course I had reservations. I tend to set myself up for failure with this kind of thing. Blogging about it puts it out there. I'm now held accountable to not only myself, but to anyone reading this! And I am holding myself accountable to Kelly Engelmann at Enhanced Wellness, who got me into all this back when I wrote an article about wellness clinics for the January issue of VIP Jackson. (The article is here, starting on page 56...the babe with the apple is Nancy Kay Wessman, who has been telling me about Enhanced Wellness for a couple of years...)

This detox is liver-centered. The program is scientifically designed to provide nutritional support for healthy metabolic function. It specifically targets the health of the gastrointestinal-neuroendocrine-immune system. That's a lot of mumbo-jumbo for I'm determined to get healthy and slim down while doing it!

I was pretty much a slug all day yesterday, by design. I laid on the couch with my laptop all day...I just didn't want to rock the boat too much. I was concerned about having a caffeine headache, but I didn't. I was concerned about being starving, but I wasn't. I was concerned about all kinds of things that simply didn't happen. I was fine. And today is even better.

I'm halfway through the second day...and I'm fine.

I can do this. I will do this.

Blessings to all who read this!

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