Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I'm in a good mood, dammit!

As ALL of you know, I ran a heated campaign to win the Nature Made SAM-e Good Mood Blogger gig. If I won, I would have gotten paid $5000/month for six months to blog about being in a good mood. That would have been $30,000 toward Nicole's ever-increasing medical bills. The medical fund that the Ridgeland Chamber started for her is dwindling fast...we have used it to pay medical bills (we are completely paid up through Select Specialty Hospital), as well as for prescriptions, supplies and her personal trainer sessions. I thought the Good Mood Blogger gig would be a fun and creative way for me to contribute to her bills. BUT, the judges had other ideas, so they picked someone else. But that's OK...I got a cool consolation prize. Check this out: I got SIX boxes of SAM-e (a natural mood

enhancer, and bottles of vitamins and supplements, a yoga mat, a calendar, a note pad, a water bottle and a little iPod shuffle. (Roxie jumped in the shot to show off her new pink collar.) The gesture by Nature Made did wonders to enhance my mood...

I've actually been a little "testy" the past few days (translation: don't look at me funny or I'll bite your damned head off!!!!). I guess the disappointment of losing, and all the holiday hoopla caught up with me and I'm tired. Add on top of that the incredible Christmas gift my husband gave me--a Cellular South HTC Hero phone...nice, except that you have to have an advanced degree from MIT to operate it.

So, let's put all this together: I'm a little "testy," I have a phone that makes me feel stupid, and I have the patience of a gnat right now. Not a winning combination.

A few facebook entries and a couple of phone calls with the kind folks at Cellular South later, I am now scheduled in a private CLASS to learn how to use my new phone. I go at 11:30 this morning. I hope the "teacher" is kind and understanding, as I may just cry or go postal. I'm just sayin'...

This morning I took my first dose of SAM-e. The box said it will take seven to 14 days to feel any real effects. As I swallowed the pill, Larry looked at me and said "only 13 more days..." He's a real comedian.

So, I didn't get the Good Mood blog gig, and that's the LAST time I'm going to even type those words or do any promo work for Nature Made (I figure they got at least $10,000 in p.r. value from the work I did on the contest, and I got six--count 'em--six bottles of SAM-e as a consolation prize...). But I'm going to write my own blog about being in a good mood, right here on this very blog you are reading now, beginning on January 1. And if you like what you read, tell your friends, and I'll grow my list of followers, and someone, somewhere, will want--BEG--me to write/blog for them, I'm sure.

And again, THANK you for your votes, support, kind words...you all rallied around me in such a big way and I'm so grateful. So even though I get a little "testy" from time to time, I really can't help but be in a perpetual good mood with that kind of love coming my way.

Blessings to all who read this!

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