Thursday, February 25, 2010

Detox Camp-Day 6

Our bodies are such a gift, and yet we abuse them so badly. At least, I have, and for much too long. It's amazing how we can dismiss what we see in the mirror. But I've seen way too many photos of myself lately, and I don't like what I see. I know the effects of aging are going to take their toll, but I have allowed the pounds to be packed on as well. A double whammy!

I'm not vain--far from it. But I do want to be healthy and enjoy the benefits of good health, which means a slimmer, trimmer  and more energetic body to carry me through life.

So, today is Day Six of the big Detox, and I'm really feeling better than ever! I've been doing yoga every day and every day it gets a little easier. I had no idea what all the hoopla was about yoga, but now I'm a big fan and I really want to get into a yoga class in the near future. It really creates a strong body awareness, helping with breathing, posture, and even digestion.

I was reminded this morning once again how badly I need this when I saw a YouTube video of myself. It was made at the Blissdom conference in the Hallmark booth. They were randomly asking people to choose a card they'd give to encourage their kids. I chose one for both Nicole and Joseph and explained why I picked those particular cards on video. I think I looked TERRIBLE...fat face, double chin...all I know is that when I go to Blissdom next year (and I WILL be going!), I will be taking a different version of myself.

And in case you're wondering, my office project has been sidelined day after day with other commitments. It's frustrating, not only to me, but surely to my family, as they have to walk through this every day:

It will happen when it happens...and it will be awesome.

I'd like to take a moment and that you for reading my blog! I spent some time with Roxie and Shari again yesterday...we are all learning this together. Be sure to visit their fun blog, Tiaras, Tatersalad & Toddies and if you like what you read, do us all a favor, please sign on as "followers" on both of our blogs. We'd appreciate it, as much as we appreciate your kind comments!

Blessings to all who read this!

1 comment:

  1. SO proud of your detox! i know you must feel amazing! a "2 week detox" lead me to being vegan for 2 1/2 years! But pregnancy had lead me elsewhere :) Love reading your blog, very inspiring!
