Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How can something so tragic generate so many blessings? Nicole's accident has certainly resulted in some really wonderful things in all of our lives. Like today, when Nicole was honored at the Broadmoor Baptist Church's Special Needs Vacation Bible School. Rebecca Phelps, leader of the Special Needs Ministry at Broadmoor, contacted me last night to let me know that they are having VBS this week from 6-8 each evening for the youth and adults with diasabilities who are in our area. Rebecca said that they are an incredible group of very loving individuals and that this is the seventh year that they have offered this VBS and each year they have a mission project. This is where Nicole comes in. They have been praying for her each night and they have been collecting their change in order to give her a small gift to let her know that they have been thinking about her and praying on her behalf. She went by the church this evening to visit with those attending and to receive her gift in person. She was so touched and so grateful for their prayers and outpouring of kindness.

We also experienced blessings in a big way on Monday, when the City of Madison teamed up with the Malco Theatre to present a movie night for Nicole. Volunteers from the City's youth leadership group assisted, as did our friend Terri Cribb. We had a big crowd who came to watch a movie, eat some popcorn and support Nicole. The proceeds raised will help tremendously with her medical bills. Thanks to Mayor Mary Hawkins and to Justin Bennett for making that event possible.

Each day we experience moments of grace and blessings big and small. We recognize them and appreciate them, grateful that people around us are willing to help Nicole in her fight to be "normal" again. I know people are inspired by her attitude, motivation and determination. I know I am!

She and I will be on the road again tomorrow...heading to Birmingham to do a little something at the Southern Living at HOME corporate offices (top secret...stay tuned to learn more later!). We are excited about staying in the super cool aLoft hotel again, and this time, I have a new Garmin GPS System to help me navigate around Birmingham's confusing streets! We'll be back on Friday for a very special weekend. If only we'd have a cold front move's HOT in Mississippi!

Blessings to all who read this!

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