Friday, February 4, 2011

Ooooh....That's Cold!


It's cold outside!

I'm NOT a cold weather person. I'm not really a hot weather person, either. I'm more of a perfect spring or fall day kind of gal. My favorite temperature is about 75 degrees.

But today, we woke up to iced bridges and reports of wrecks around town. Last night a 12-car pile-up was reported on I-55 in Jackson around Northside Drive. Ouch. But the worst was the folks who got stuck on "the stack" for five+ hours. I hope they had snacks and plenty of gas.

It may be hot and humid in the summer, but I LOVE living in the South. I don't think I could weather a winter very well up North. Snow is a to watch for a day or two, but I've been in New York, Chicago and Minneapolis in the winter and I've seen the black, slushy use-to-be snow and it ain't pretty.

We've been to Venezuela for Christmas a few times, and when the kids were younger, they were tickled pink to go swimming on Christmas day. Larry's sister, Maky, has a pool, and we'd spend Christmas Eve with family and friends outside, enjoying the warm tropical breezes while the kids were swimming. One Christmas we went to the beach, taking a boat ride to a remote little island where we spent the day finding incredible brain coral and other beautiful shells on the sand. Now THAT'S my kind of "white Christmas!"

I did, however, enjoy the real white Christmas we had in Nashville a couple of months ago. It started snowing at 8pm Christmas Eve, and we woke up to a beautiful white Christmas morning. The best part is that when it was time to drive home a couple of days later, all the roads were clear. Nice.

I tend to err on the side of caution when there is a winter storm advisory in our area. My children, however, seem to laugh in the face of danger. Remember New Year's Eve, when there was a string of tornadoes and violent weather across Mississippi? Joe and Emily loaded up the car and drove to New Orleans! And yesterday, as most folks were getting off work early so they could avoid the icing bridges, Nicole hopped on a train to New Orleans to visit a friend. They are planning on driving back today.

Last night Larry had a heck of a time getting home from work. He saw wreck after wreck, and an abundance of red and blue emergency vehicle lights. Our friend Ginger Williams-Cook reported on facebook that her house backs up to the infamous "waterworks curve" on I-55, and her normally quiet home was filled with the sounds of sirens. It's been rough out there!

One of the great things about the South is that whatever the weather, it doesn't last for long. Last Saturday, it was 70+ degrees and sunny. The temps won't be quite that high this weekend, but the weather forcasts all call for an abundance of sunshine. I'll take it! I'm driving to Baton Rouge tomorrow for a training meeting for my new job at NAMI

The good thing about bad weather is that it gives me a great excuse to curl up on the couch in front of the fireplace and knit an abundance of baby and children hats. I'm selling them to finance my trip to Maine in May to write my book. So if you need a baby or child's gift, please email me at!

Blessings to all who read this!